Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vlog: Media Portrayl of the Obamas


  1. I agree with you that being a politician and a celebrity are not mutually exclusive. However, I wonder if, when we "celebretize" a president we also risk blinding ourselves to his flaws. Or, conversely, if the flaws might be exaggerated, as they are with other celebrities. In other words, does celebrity status distort our view of our politicians? If so, it might well be dangerous. We'll see how this plays out with the Obamas.

  2. I’m not sure that I agree with your statement that making the Obamas into celebrities makes them more relatable. There are few if any celebrities that I find “relatable,” simply because their lifestyles and their personalities come across to me as hyper-constructed for the public eye (i.e. fake). I’m not saying that this is the case with Obama -- simply that I don’t see the celebrity-politician blend as a desirable one. Also, it’s interesting to consider the effects of celebrity status on the celebrity him/herself.

  3. If you know that you read a gossip magazine for gossips and rumors, ( I do not really read it for facts, but just entertainment), would you take Obama related news on gossip magazines seriously? Or do you think you know one real personal fact about the Obamas?

    However, I do like the Youtube video of Obama bashing Kanye West, makes me feel good that even Obama could side somebody in a situation that is not political/big/important.

  4. The Obamas get ridiculously amazing press- and lots of it!

    I can't tell you how many photos I've seen of michelle's new dress, or of their dog frolicking in the garden :) hehe

    And it's funny, because I always look. Maybe it's because Obama is so young... he's younger than my dad even, so he seem rather approachable... then he says things that that about Kanye and you can't help but be proud to say- yup, that's my president :)

    I do think it's dangerous to hold politicians as celebrities though. Thankfully, I think Obama has been doing a decent job with the presidency, and I'm not yet ready to question his ability to lead like in the McCain ad. I find the off-shore drilling pitch kinda silly now...

    Great topic of exploration!!
